We provide a place for community, characterized by Christian hospitality, that welcomes international students and scholars of all backgrounds.

What We Value

  • Demonstration of the authority and truth of the Bible in words and actions

  • Love for God and for our neighbors

  • Cross-cultural friendship and respect across religious or philosophical differences

What We Do

  • Offer affordable housing and a welcoming environment for university-level international students and scholars

  • Create opportunities for community-building among residents

  • Host outreach events like meals, lectures, prayer gatherings, Bible studies, and sight-seeing trips, open to all local international students and scholars

  • Actively partner with local international Christian ministries and churches for resources, including funding and volunteers


The Story of
International House Baltimore


The International House Baltimore grew from the seeds of a Bible study for international students that met weekly in the home of Karl and Debbie Dortzbach starting in 2005.  It was led by Takashi Yoshioka, who at the time was on faculty at Johns Hopkins.  Often the gathering met when Karl and Debbie were in some distant part of the world, but their home was always open.  Several times there were those who needed housing for the time they were studying in Baltimore.


In 2013 a house adjacent to the Dortzbachs was offered for sale by neighbors who been friends and long-time residents.  But the house seemed an impossible dream in a bad economy, a high reverse mortgage, and a short sale with a bank that was defunct.  For nearly ten months Takashi pursued the property and at the end of 2013 succeeded in arranging for its purchase.

January 2014

Extensive renovations were required, so another Dortzbach friend of many years who had just retired as a carpenter gave his time for nine months to help Karl in the gut-rehabilitation of the house.  Many prayed for the potential for ministry and for future residents.

Fall 2014

The first residents arrived in September 2014, and included Aubrey Bauck, our first “resident assistant” who grew up in the Philippines and felt called to help create a living community for internationals. An oversight committee for the ministry of the house was established by the end of 2014 and included all internationals who themselves had come to the US as students.


Multiple students moved through the International House. An operations and ministry committee was formed from interested internationals.


Our Vision: To see the glory of God displayed among the visiting nations in Baltimore

The leadership committee of the International House Baltimore is made up of a diverse group of individuals who are all committed to the vision, mission, and values of the ministry


Dr. Karl Dortzbach

After more than 25 years of living in Eritrea and Kenya, Karl and Debbie Dortzbach returned to the United States and settled in Baltimore as their global base. Making their home in the Charles Village neighborhood near Johns Hopkins University, they quickly realized the opportunity to welcome international students and scholars and soon launched the International House Baltimore. Karl’s artistic talent is evident in the exceptional renovations of the House, and he continues to oversee care of the property. Karl and Debbie love to practice hospitality, and they value their relationships with residents and guests of the ministry.