
We need your prayers. Here are a few things we are always praying for:

  • That God would prepare the hearts of new residents to come with curiosity about Jesus

  • That the sense of community among residents would deepen and reflect the multicultural beauty of the gospel at work

  • That supporters who share our vision would partner with us

  • That as our resident alumni return to their home countries, they will glorify God in their vocations and relationships

  • That our leaders would have the energy, creativity, and wisdom to engage our residents and the international students on campus

If you would like to receive occasional specific prayer requests from us via email, sign up below!


The Greek word in the New Testament for hospitality is xenia, which literally means stranger-friendship.

Visit our blog to see what's happening soon at the House and how you can get involved.

We are also seeking people with a passion to help provide for international students who have themselves had extensive international experience.  

The guidance committee of the International House changes from time to time. The main responsibilities of the the committee are:

  • selection and approval of resident applications

  • governance and legal representation of the ministry

  • wisdom and counsel for house programs

  • public relations and awareness

Contact us if you think you might be a good fit to serve in this way!


While the basic functions of the house are covered by the rents received, the International House Baltimore is about much more than just a place to live. Lectures, discussion groups, outings, and outreach hospitality meals and snacks are all important parts of accomplish our mission.

If you would like to join with us in reaching international students, there are many ways you can involve your time and energy.  But financial donations are also an important way to help us sustain the outreach and include more  students and scholars on a regular basis.  

Why don’t you consider joining us in helping our international students and scholars have the connections, opportunities and  resources that would optimize their stay?

You can make a donation here or using the secure widget on this page.

We respect your privacy.